I am trying to get up and running with ThinApp Factory, but cannot get it to virtualize one single application. For example, I am trying to thinapp an older version of Firefox (3.6). When I go through the motions of creating the package, the process immediately goes to 10% "Provisioning" and stays there, indefinitely. The machine I am using is not the fastest machine out there, but it should be able to do the work. It has 4GB of RAM and a quad-core CPU. 3.15GB are consistently in use when the process is running.
Here is the log file, which I cannot make heads or tales of:
16:21:06,536 INFO pool-10-thread-1 server.Request:65 - Acquiring a lease for FullWorkpool[vmPattern=com.vmware.thinapp.common.workpool.dto.VmPattern@50d0843b[id=2,sourceIso=[standard] Win7ProSP1x64-PennVLK.ISO,networkName=NAT,osType=Win7OsType[variant=professional],osRegistration=com.vmware.thinapp.common.workpool.dto.OsRegistration@16352be6[userName=Jason,organization=My Company,kmsServer=]],id=1,name=Windows 7,maximum=1,state=available,lastError=,instances=[]].
16:21:06,537 DEBUG pool-10-thread-1 workpool.WorkpoolImpl:121 - Using workpool: com.vmware.thinapp.workpool.WorkpoolInstance$$ProxiedByAWDelegation$$1369542329659@369875a3.
I would be very grateful if someone could let me in on exactly how this works. I keep hearing about how great this application is.