I’ll preface the question by stating that I’m a front-end programmer that doesn’t have a whole lot of experience with the command-line, especially through Terminal. I primarily use Windows but right now I’m running OS X 10.8.3 with Windows 8 on Boot Camp through VMware Fusion 5.0.3. After reading the documentation on http://www.vmware.com/pdf/vix162_vmrun_command.pdf I have come up with the results below.
Using OSX command-line, open and run an application running inside a VMware Fusion window with supplied arguments
What am I doing wrong?
I’ve set up some software on the PC side that I would like to pass arguments to through the command line from the Mac. Seeing that 'vmrun' should be able to do this I’m ecstatic if it’ll work. I have managed to get access and run a process by using Terminal and:
/Applications/VMware\ Fusion.app/Contents/Library/vmrun -T ws -gu <PCUserName> -gp <PCUserPassword> runProgramInGuest /Users/<OSXUsername>/Library/Application\ Support/VMware\ Fusion/Virtual\ Machines/Boot\ Camp/Boot\ Camp.vmwarevm/Boot\ Camp.vmx -activeWindow -noWait "C:\\Program Files\\<Filename>.exe" <myArguments>
But so far all this does is create Background Processes in the Task Manager on Win8 and I don’t actually see any GUI!!!
So when I try to add the “-interactive” between "-activeWindow" and "-noWait" it throws an ERROR (even removing the other options causes the same effect):
Error: The specified guest user does not match the user currently logged in interactively
If I try to use my OSX name/password I get the ERROR:
Error: Invalid user name or password for the guest OS
So what am I doing wrong? Where do I get this special password? or is vwrun even the best solution for this. If I can solve this it will open up a lot of possibilities in productive workflow.
Thanks in advance,