I'm trying to create an additional property in my VM that I build with VMware Studio so that I can use OVFTool to pass a value for the property when I deploy the VM to a vCenter.
The property looks like that shown in red. But when I invoke OVFTool to give a value to this property, what am I supposed to be using?
Something like this I can't get to work:
ovftool <...> --prop.ConfigurationManagementServer.My_VM_Name= <..>
Thanks for any hints,
<Section xsi:type="vadk:IpAssignmentSection_Type">
<Info>Supported IP assignment schemes</Info>
<vmw:IpAssignmentSection ovf:required="false" vmw:protocols="IPv4,IPv6" vmw:schemes="">
<Info>Supported IP assignment schemes</Info>
<Section xsi:type="vadk:PropertySection_Type">
<Property ovf:key="ConfigurationManagementServer" ovf:type="string" ovf:userConfigurable="true" ovf:value="puppet" ovf:qualifiers="MinLen(0),MaxLen(65535)">
<Label>Configuration Management Server (Optional)</Label>
<Description>Your configuration management server's fully-qualified name (e.g. config.avamar.com ). Blank if none.</Description>
<Section xsi:type="vadk:AnyOVFSection_Type">
Unknown OVF elements in this element will be passed directly
to the OVF output descriptor without interpretation
<Section xsi:type="vadk:UpdateSection_Type">
<vadk:Repository vadk:url="" vadk:username="" vadk:password="" vadk:passwordFormat="base64"/>