SSO sure is a pain in the @$S. I have created two fresh instances of vCenter. All services have been installed individually (thus no simple install).
Both instances are configured for multisite
Before installing second instance I exported SSO data as explained in the KB articles.
I created second instance in the same manner. Pointed SSO to my primary SSO server using multimode.
Once 2nd vCenter was up and running I exported SSO data and imported it on the primary SSO, again as per KB instructions.
Then I tried to join the second instance in linked mode to first instance which fails.
The status.txt and join tool.log file say there is a mismatch in domain ID. Apparently this happens when not using multisite SSO but I have configured that during both installs.
What could be causing this then? I found an article that talks about veryfying ID but for some reason I do not have access