Anyone have any success with using the SNMP (non-default mibs) and/or the Generic SQL Data Loader third party adapters?
I'm running vCenter Operations v5.7 vApp and testing the custom-ui. I've installed the SNMP adapter, but when adding my own mibs they don't show up in the drop-down list when attempting to add a new resource. I've followed the docs for updating the adapter with your own mibs and everything is a-ok until I actually attempt to add a resource.
I've seen this KB:
But I've loadded a few different mibs, poked around them in a mib browser, and all of them meet the requirements in that article.
As for the SQL adapter. I add my adapter instance and credential, and it tests fine, but when adding the resource from the environment overview screen, the "Resource Kind" pulldown is blank/non-editable. When I click ok, it of course gives me an error:
The field 'Resrouce kind' is a required field. Please enter a value.
Anyone get past that?
Lastly, is there any documentation for the embedded Port Adapter? There's a very small snippet in the Adapter Guide stating:
Reads a text that you define to determine the hosts and ports to monitor.
But... where do you put that text?