I'm using Luc's Get-VIEventPlus function but having trouble populating my html code: The function works great but what am I doing wrong that the data is not being populated into the html file?
# Function to perform the work for the data you need
function Get-VIEventPlus {
.SYNOPSIS Returns vSphere events
.DESCRIPTION The function will return vSphere events. With
the available parameters, the execution time can be
improved, compered to the original Get-VIEvent cmdlet.
.NOTES Author: Luc Dekens
When specified the function returns events for the
specific vSphere entity.
This parameter limits the returned events to those
specified on this parameter.
The start date of the events to retrieve
The end date of the events to retrieve.
A switch indicating if the events for the children of
the Entity will also be returned
.PARAMETER FullMessage
A switch indicating if the full message shall be compiled.
This switch can improve the execution speed if the full
message is not needed.
PS> Get-VIEventPlus -Entity $vm
PS> Get-VIEventPlus -Entity $cluster -Recurse:$true
[switch]$FullMessage = $false
process {
$eventnumber = 100
$events = @()
$eventMgr = Get-View EventManager
$eventFilter = New-Object VMware.Vim.EventFilterSpec
$eventFilter.disableFullMessage = ! $FullMessage
$eventFilter.entity = New-Object VMware.Vim.EventFilterSpecByEntity
$eventFilter.entity.recursion = &{if($Recurse){"all"}else{"self"}}
$eventFilter.eventTypeId = $EventType
if($Start -or $Finish){
$eventFilter.time = New-Object VMware.Vim.EventFilterSpecByTime
$eventFilter.time.beginTime = $Start
$eventFilter.time.endTime = $Finish
$entity | %{
$eventFilter.entity.entity = $_.ExtensionData.MoRef
$eventCollector = Get-View ($eventMgr.CreateCollectorForEvents($eventFilter))
$eventsBuffer = $eventCollector.ReadNextEvents($eventnumber)
$events += $eventsBuffer
$eventsBuffer = $eventCollector.ReadNextEvents($eventnumber)
$oneMonth = (Get-Date).AddDays(-31)
$entity = Get-Folder -Name datacenters
$events = Get-VIEventPlus -Entity $entity -EventType VmPoweredOnEvent -Recurse -FullMessage
$events | Group-Object -Property {$_.Vm.Name} | %{
$_.Group | Sort-Object -Property CreatedTime -Descending |
Select -First 1 |
where {$_.CreatedTime -lt $oneMonth -and (Get-VM -Name $_.Vm.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).PowerState -eq "PoweredOff"} |
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
VM = $_.VM.Name
LastPoweredOn = $_.CreatedTime
User = $_.VM.Name | Select UserName
Owner = (Get-VM $_.Vm.Name).CustomFields.Item("OwnerDL")
writedata $_.VM $_.LastPowredOn $_.User $_.Owner
#Function will compile the data passed from the GetCluster Function into HTML table format
Function writedata {
param ($VM,$LastPoweredOn,$User,$Owner)
#Write output to html table
$tableEntry = "<td><font face='Tahoma'>$($VM)</font></td>" +
"<td><font face='Tahoma'>$($LastPoweredOn)</font></td>" +
"<td><font face='Tahoma'>$($User)</font></td>" +
"<td><font face='Tahoma'>$($Owner)</font></td></tr>"
Add-Content $fileName $tableEntry
Write-Host $tableEntry}
End Code: