Hi everybody!
We have a HP C7000 Encolosure with 4 BL460c Gen 8 blades in the front size of it. In back size of the C7000 we have 2 SAN Switch, 2 HP BLc GbE2c Layer 2/3 Switch and 2 Onboard Administrator Module.
Everything is work fine with IP Addresses like this:
Active OA:
IP Address:
Stanby OA:
IP Address:
BL460c blade server on Bay 1:
iLO IP Address:
BL460c blade server on Bay 2:
iLO IP Address:
BL460c blade server on Bay 9:
iLO IP Address:
BL460c blade server on Bay 10:
iLO IP Address:
We can ping from pc which connected to iLO port on Onboard Administrator (OA) to that IP Addresses above. (can i call it MANAGE PC?)
Continue, We access OA through Web, then use Intergrated Console to control 4 blade servers. We mounted ESXi 5.1 U1 image and installed it on 4 blade servers successfully.
We manually config the IP Address on each ESXi server (like this):
BL460c blade server on Bay 1 as ESXi server 1:
IP Address:
BL460c blade server on Bay 2 as ESXi server 2:
IP Address:
BL460c blade server on Bay 9 as ESXi server 9:
IP Address:
BL460c blade server on Bay 10 as ESXi server 10:
IP Address:
Now, we can ping from ESXi server 1 to other ESXi server. I want to say 4 blade server can ping together.
- we can't ping that blade servers from MANAGE PC (that PC connect to iLO port on OA. In this scene, MANAGE PC has IP Address
- we unplug network cable from iLO port then plug it to port number 24 on HP BLc GbE2c LY 2/3 Switch, then set IP Address of MANAGE PC to Still the same, can't access that servers
Anybody can explain me how to access that server (ping, http etc...). Do we have to config the HP BLc GbE2c LY 2/3 Switch? We read many many guide on HP website but they didn't mentioned about Routing or Switch configure
Thanks in advance!