I need to be able to create a new scsi controller on a specified controller number. I can create a new one but it just uses the next available number.
There is not -controller parameter for New-SCSIController so I cannot specify it there. If I try to specify with Set-SCSIController or while using New-Harddisk then I get an error that the SCSI controller doesn't exist. Which it doesn't because I have not created it yet.
I need to specify as a request from an internal team here. I may not want to go from "SCSI controller 1" to "SCSI controller 2". In the GUI if I choose 3:0 it sill create "SCSI controller 3" on SCSI target 0. Regardless if there is a "SCSI controller 2" or not. I cannot seem to figure out how to create a non-contiguous SCSI controller using powercli.
Any help is appreciated.