just a really basic one... i know DRS is based on the idea that it looks at the cluster resources and then places vms.... BUT, if you set up an anti-affinity rule to say VM1 can not be kept on the the same host as VM2 - can i still manually vMotion VM1 to the same host that has VM02 on?
ok... let me re-word that. Having just done that... i wondered why i can vmotion the 2 VMs to be on the same host even though there is an anti-affinity rule?
my assumption is one of the below:
1. i haven't configured the anti-affinity rule correctly, or
2. DRS is a retrospective resource monitoring tool. so it will ignore my action but when it checks the environment, it will then pick up that the 2 vm's are on the same host and then apply the anti-affinity rule.
let me know which if you can...