I work at a university. For each computer class, we want to create a new vDC and within that, create a single new vApp (from a Template). Then for each each student in the class, we want to create (clone) an existing VM (it existed in the Templare and now also exists in the vApp).
I looked at the Recompose sample and that deals with copying a VM from one vApp to another.
From looking on the forums, I was able to create this code. It runs but doesn't create the new VM.
So any help would be greatly appreciated.
RecomposeVAppParamsType recomposeVappParams = newRecomposeVAppParamsType(); =; recomposeVappParams.powerOn = false; recomposeVappParams.powerOnSpecified =true; List<SourcedCompositionItemParamType> studentVMs = newList<SourcedCompositionItemParamType>(); ReferenceType studentVmRef = newReferenceType(); = newVMName; studentVmRef.href = sourceVM.Reference.href; SourcedCompositionItemParamType webServerVmItem = newSourcedCompositionItemParamType(); webServerVmItem.Source = studentVmRef; studentVMs.Add(webServerVmItem); vapp.RecomposeVapp(recomposeVappParams).WaitForTask(0);