I want to config IP-address/gateway/netmask to the deployed ovf virtual machine and i getting the following info when i run ovftool.exe
Can anyone help me out in configure ipaddress fields.
Or is there any other way to do it.
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool.exe --powerOn --diskMode=thin --
ipProtocol=IPv4 --acceptAllEulas --name=pravin --network="VM Network" --prop:IpA
ddress="" --prop:SubnetMask="" --prop:Dns="10.110.188.
5" --prop:DefaultGateway="" --datastore="datastore1" "C:\Sharing\v35
9\ovf_filename.ovf" " vi://root:password@"
Opening OVF source: //:@WIN-1VPBHEDRE5M:80\Sharing\v359\ovf_filename.ovf
Opening VI target: vi://root@
Deploying to VI: vi://root@
Transfer Completed
Powering on VM: pravin
- No manifest file found.
- OVF property with key: 'DefaultGateway' does not exists.
- OVF property with key: 'Dns' does not exists.
- OVF property with key: 'IpAddress' does not exists.
- OVF property with key: 'SubnetMask' does not exists.
- No manifest entry found for: 'system.vmdk'.
Completed successfully