I have been using VMWare vSphere Perl SDK 5.0 (Linux 64-bit) to perform some very basic operations like
- Creating / Deleting VM's
- Adding network adapter and assigning a port profile
However, I could not find a perl script that could edit the port profile for a specific network adapter. 'vmreconfig.pl' that comes with SDK does not have the edit option.
Here is the problem I am trying to address:
I have a ubuntu VM (spun manually) with 2 Network Adapters(nic) on an ESXi host
- One of the nic's is on management network (has management ip address/port-profile assigned)
- The second nic is not assigned to any port profile
- I would like to assign this second nic to a port-profile that gets created dynamically. I want to do this using automation tools (preferably Perl SDK)
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks! in advance.