I am using Appvolumes 3 with UEM 9 and when i mount a writable disk to any VM (win7 or win10) it does not show up.
Looking at the logfiles i see the following:
[2016-05-03 09:40:50 UTC] P2548R34548 INFO Cvo: Mounting "NOS-MC\apptest01 on W7x64" (NOS-MC!5C!apptest01!20!on!20!W7x64.vmdk) for "User <NOS-MC\apptest01>"
[2016-05-03 09:40:50 UTC] P2548R34548 INFO Cvo: Acquiring mount lock for "Machine <UEMTEST01> (5013cdfa-4527-4201-2569-3a49e332b34f)" - Currently: available
[2016-05-03 09:40:50 UTC] P2548R34548 INFO RvSphere: Mounting 1 volume(s) in VM "UEMTEST01" (5013cdfa-4527-4201-2569-3a49e332b34f) on VMware "root@mgw-ka-bl08.nos-mc.local"
[2016-05-03 09:40:50 UTC] P2548R34548 INFO RvSphere: Attaching writable volume "[VSP01-19] cloudvolumes/writable/NOS-MC!5C!apptest01!20!on!20!W7x64.vmdk" to VM "UEMTEST01"
[2016-05-03 09:40:50 UTC] P2548R34548 INFO RvSphere: Preparing to reconfigure VM UEMTEST01" (5013cdfa-4527-4201-2569-3a49e332b34f) <running>
[2016-05-03 09:40:50 UTC] P2548 INFO RvSphere: TaskExecWorker #<Thread:0x007f62445e6520>: Received work - ReconfigVm for "RvSphere::ReconfigVm for VM "VirtualMachine("340")" with Task ""
[2016-05-03 09:40:50 UTC] P2548 INFO RvSphere: Performing ReconfigVM_Task on reloaded VM "VirtualMachine("340")" in "#<Thread:0x007f62445e6520>"
[2016-05-03 09:40:50 UTC] P2548 INFO RvSphere: TaskWaitWorker #<Thread:0x007f62445e59e0>: Processing task: "Task("haTask-340-vim.VirtualMachine.reconfigure-192640505")"
[2016-05-03 09:40:50 UTC] P2548R34548 ERROR RvSphere: Failed to reconfigure VM "UEMTEST01" (5013cdfa-4527-4201-2569-3a49e332b34f):
Fault: Failed to add disk scsi0:1. (GenericVmConfigFault)
* Failed to add disk scsi0:1. (msg.disk.hotadd.Failed)
* Failed to power on scsi0:1. (msg.disk.hotadd.poweron.failed)
* Cannot open the disk '/vmfs/volumes/4d837627-92da63b7-fe88-0025b31ed3b0/cloudvolumes/writable/NOS-MC!5C!apptest01!20!on!20!W7x64.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on. (msg.disk.noBackEnd)
* Cannot open the disk for writing (msg.disklib.OPENRDONLY)
* Disk '/vmfs/volumes/4d837627-92da63b7-fe88-0025b31ed3b0/cloudvolumes/writable/NOS-MC!5C!apptest01!20!on!20!W7x64.vmdk' cannot be opened for writing. It might be shared with some other VM. (msg.disklib.readOnly)
[2016-05-03 09:40:50 UTC] P2548R34548 ERROR Cvo: Failed to mount "NOS-MC\apptest01 on W7x64" for "User <NOS-MC\apptest01>"
[2016-05-03 09:40:50 UTC] P2548R34548 INFO Rendered text template (0.0ms)
[2016-05-03 09:40:50 UTC] P2548R34548 INFO Completed 200 OK in 1106.8ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 41.1ms)
I am curious why this happens ... i can see that the disk is created on the datastore.
Non-writable volumes are mounted just fine and works like a charm.